Measuring the impact of Facebook – Seeing beyond the number of ‘Likes’

Ignoring the slightly out of date stats up front, this deck is a good introduction to the idea of monitoring the ‘health’ of your Facebook brand page. It proposes the idea that 25% of ‘social’ time should be spent crunching the data/analytics, the equivalent of taking a step back and surveying your progress.

The most important point to take out is that most people are unlikely to want your brand updates cluttering their newsfeed, so one way to get your message out there is to use your advocates (highly engaged fans) to spread your message for you. This reinforces the point that so many seem to miss which is that overall numbers of ‘Likes’ are not the ‘Holy Grail’ of FB brand pages but measurements like engagement a much more effective benchmark.

Find the right social channel for your marketing purpose – CMO’s guide to social media

Here is the second installment/update of the CMO’s (Chief Marketing Officer) guide to social media. Its a really handy tool to send around company’s to the often many stakeholders in company’s where social media decisions are being made.

Its very handy as a checklist to ensure you have thought about every possible channel in a market where its often tempting to believe the world starts and finishes with Facebook.

The main categories the services are judged against are:

1. Customer communication: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr
2. Brand Exposure: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Digg, Tumblr
3. Traffic to site: Digg, StumbleUpon
4. SEO: Flickr, YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon, Tumblr


Source: Penn Olsen

Using Facebook to move your business forward…a guide

Last week Facebook announced even fuller commenting facilities, that will take story comments and likes back into the news feed, and that make the use of it’s API on your website even more desirable. This means that due to sheer scale (FB hit 30 million UK active users last week for anyone who missed it!) the FB only plugins vs the likes of Janrain or Disqus, which allow you to comment using a number of logins, now look increasingly attractive.

For anyone out there wondering what exact steps to take to use Facebook to socialise their offering here is a doc that outlines the reasons for getting involved (NB – its pre-update but still very useful!)

View this document on Scribd

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uQRme spot from uQRme on Vimeo.

Social media and events – making the most of real time mentions

One of the benefits of social media and social networks, is that they provide us with an arena in which we can witness real time ‘word of mouth’ and ‘sentiment’ about surrounding events. On a meaningful level that could mean events as they unfold in an emerging revolution or struggle for democracy as we have witnessed recently in North Africa where networks are a direct way of spreading unfiltered messages to others in the midst of things and the outside world.

Personally I have an issue with overstating the role of social media in recent events such as the Libyan protests, as the media seem intent on purveying social networks as the spark to revolution, where I believe they simply facilitate a free-er and speedier transferrance (sic.) of existing ideas. While they facilitate conversation spread they are not the ‘reasons’ for revolution but at best catalysts.

Quibbling aside about the role of these networks in deeper issues than advertising, much the same rules apply to this space. Social media provides the platform for feedback from those on the ground and allows us the opportunity to amplify niche events, promoting them to the wider world. As brands are in the business of stoking and owning the word of mouth around (often costly) brand funded events, it only makes sense to call on any tools we can to increase the coverage and referral around these. Despite this simple truth however, fairly few experiential/event companies seem to be ‘getting’ social and I think an opportunity is being missed.

One agency that definitely gets it is C&M and they have compiled a framework and series of checklists for making sure your event creates a #buzz around it.