Lessons for hiring, growing and sustaining in the digital age – Netflix CEO on freedom and responsibility in the workplace

So many lessons in here for any business particularly one looking to grow or transform in a digital age.

Preventing chaos, bureaucracy and allowing employees to take responsibility and act in the company’s best interests.

Catvertising – ‘LOL’

Bit old but still a winner…

#hardandfast a summary of the @TheBHF Promoted Trend on @TwitterUK

Interesting use of Twitters ‘Promoted Trend’ ad product in the UK today from the guys @TheBHF 

Using the hastag #hardandfast promoted in UK trending topics, they have created intrigue and interest in their new ad, promoting the basics of CPR as demonstrated by Vinnie Jones. Drawing visitors to Twitter.com in to the conversation with the trend, they drove conversation and YouTube views for the online launch of the ad. 


Here are a couple of the examples of the tweets that masthead the conversation:


As far as I can ascertain (by 11pm on the 5th Jan 2011) they have gained about 5K clicks on the link http://bity.ly/hardandfast+ driving 38K+ views of the on the ad, (although I would expect this to be higher as YouTube views tend to lag), all in all a success for engagement based campaign for the charity.  


One particularly nice feature was this YouTube annotation driving to an auto-populated tweet to share the ad (including the hashtag obviously).


The hard working @TheBHF team even found in what must have been a busy day to reply to some of their mentions, including those from influencers and Z-List celebs


Slightly disappointing follower growth though according to TwitterCounter but I guess Twitter have always been explicit that this is not the point of this product…you’ve got Promoted Accounts for that! 


Vinnie is a perfect ‘social media’ star for the campaign and using his media friendly personality and story about his own wife Tanya’s heart transplant as a PR ‘hook’ to gather useful column inches although it might have been nice to embed the video in these articles or revisiting after social launch. 

All in all then a strong performance of driving conversation in social media, and premiering content online before ATL launch. It’ll be interesting to see what social calls to action are afforded on the above the line comms.

I guess the only thing missing is a tweet from the ‘Hard man’ himself who appears not to have tweeted for 6 months ;-( 


(image courtesy of TheSun.co.uk)

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://twittercounter.com/embed/?style=graph&usernames=TheBHF&height=300&width=500&data=followers&chart=weekly&type=line”></script><noscript><a href=”http://twittercounter.com/TheBHF”>BHF on Twitter Counter.com</a></noscript>

10 Facebook Tips – Slideshare

Some nice principles and examples here in this Facebook Tips deck

Courtesy of AlisonZarrella.com

A new type of agency/planner… #slideshare

Thanks to @Tompgibson for the heads up on this interesting deck that espouses that ad agencies should go beyond their traditional roles of answering client comms briefs and take some of the great ideas that often end up on the cutting room floor to develop and start actual businesses or offer services themselves.

I am in agreement that agency ideas can and should help transform the workings of their clients’ business from the inside not just communicate their existing products.

The deck contains a lot of supporting evidence listing great ideas that have come out of agencies, and adding to this we have seen many ad campaigns go far beyond traditional advertising practices to win recent plaudits e.g. Cannes Grand Prix winning Tesco sth Korea’s stores in the subway system.

Here’s the deck…

Preparing your business for Social Media – a social business plan

YouTube Masthead creativity using HTML5

This is a great example of what we will be able to get out of ‘hero’ impactful formats such as the masthead on YouTube

Nice visualisation…

data cake
Image by EpicGraphic

Nice work EpicGraphic

Create an infographic of your Twitter activity with visual.ly

This is less than flattering for me, but this is a cool tool to make infographic from your Twitter activity


Great visual – How Facebook is steamrolling local competition across the globe

As Facebook reaches a reported 750 million active users worldwide the below .GIF is a pretty cool visual of how it has increased its foothold to be come number one in an increasing number of markets globally.

Thank you Vincent Cosenza