The Filter Bubble – a warning against algorithmic recommendation in the web!

The TED talk below isn’t particularly new but I have only just found the time to watch this and it is something that I feel pretty passionately about so thought I would pop down a few thoughts.

In the 9 minute video, Eric Pariser takes us through his eloquent argument against the ‘personalisation’ of the web by algorithms set-up to increase the content you are exposed to that is of a similar kind to that you have previously engaged with.

The ‘Filter Bubble’ refers to your web, and the content inside it that is similar to that which you liked before. The perils of this mean that our interestes become ‘dumbed down’ increasing the sugar factor’ of entertainment vs challenging material.

The strange thing for me as a social media professional how few people actually know this outside media and advertising. Speaking to people about their Facebook news feed is perhaps the best demonstration, and people are astounded to know it’s probably only about 5% of the conversations that are going on that pop up in it. Notice your peripheral friends becoming more marginalised anyone?

Here is a link to the talk…

And this fantastic book cover links to the website to find out more…

Love your playlists, now take them off Spotify

Spotify just got a little more social, ok not really more social but certainly more convenient. After a recent update you can now download the Spotify playlists your friends make for you and own them (once purchased) as playlists on iTunes and then on your iPod and other devices.

In todays music it really is all about the playlist!

YouTube project for good – It Gets better

There is a brilliantly simple idea behind this project, to provide inspiration and hope to young people suffering bullying for being gay. Using YouTube to host a plethora of different personal stories, all with the message that ‘it gets better’, allows teens to go in and find clips that resonate with them.

When we so often hear about the ‘dog on skateboard’, ‘viral’ nature of online video, which seems to consign it to being a disposable/temporary medium, this seems a perfect example to highlight the potential of a more social and long term use of online video.