#hardandfast a summary of the @TheBHF Promoted Trend on @TwitterUK

Interesting use of Twitters ‘Promoted Trend’ ad product in the UK today from the guys @TheBHF 

Using the hastag #hardandfast promoted in UK trending topics, they have created intrigue and interest in their new ad, promoting the basics of CPR as demonstrated by Vinnie Jones. Drawing visitors to Twitter.com in to the conversation with the trend, they drove conversation and YouTube views for the online launch of the ad. 


Here are a couple of the examples of the tweets that masthead the conversation:


As far as I can ascertain (by 11pm on the 5th Jan 2011) they have gained about 5K clicks on the link http://bity.ly/hardandfast+ driving 38K+ views of the on the ad, (although I would expect this to be higher as YouTube views tend to lag), all in all a success for engagement based campaign for the charity.  


One particularly nice feature was this YouTube annotation driving to an auto-populated tweet to share the ad (including the hashtag obviously).


The hard working @TheBHF team even found in what must have been a busy day to reply to some of their mentions, including those from influencers and Z-List celebs


Slightly disappointing follower growth though according to TwitterCounter but I guess Twitter have always been explicit that this is not the point of this product…you’ve got Promoted Accounts for that! 


Vinnie is a perfect ‘social media’ star for the campaign and using his media friendly personality and story about his own wife Tanya’s heart transplant as a PR ‘hook’ to gather useful column inches although it might have been nice to embed the video in these articles or revisiting after social launch. 

All in all then a strong performance of driving conversation in social media, and premiering content online before ATL launch. It’ll be interesting to see what social calls to action are afforded on the above the line comms.

I guess the only thing missing is a tweet from the ‘Hard man’ himself who appears not to have tweeted for 6 months ;-( 


(image courtesy of TheSun.co.uk)

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://twittercounter.com/embed/?style=graph&usernames=TheBHF&height=300&width=500&data=followers&chart=weekly&type=line”></script><noscript><a href=”http://twittercounter.com/TheBHF”>BHF on Twitter Counter.com</a></noscript>

Measuring the impact of Facebook – Seeing beyond the number of ‘Likes’

Ignoring the slightly out of date stats up front, this deck is a good introduction to the idea of monitoring the ‘health’ of your Facebook brand page. It proposes the idea that 25% of ‘social’ time should be spent crunching the data/analytics, the equivalent of taking a step back and surveying your progress.

The most important point to take out is that most people are unlikely to want your brand updates cluttering their newsfeed, so one way to get your message out there is to use your advocates (highly engaged fans) to spread your message for you. This reinforces the point that so many seem to miss which is that overall numbers of ‘Likes’ are not the ‘Holy Grail’ of FB brand pages but measurements like engagement a much more effective benchmark.

Social media and events – making the most of real time mentions

One of the benefits of social media and social networks, is that they provide us with an arena in which we can witness real time ‘word of mouth’ and ‘sentiment’ about surrounding events. On a meaningful level that could mean events as they unfold in an emerging revolution or struggle for democracy as we have witnessed recently in North Africa where networks are a direct way of spreading unfiltered messages to others in the midst of things and the outside world.

Personally I have an issue with overstating the role of social media in recent events such as the Libyan protests, as the media seem intent on purveying social networks as the spark to revolution, where I believe they simply facilitate a free-er and speedier transferrance (sic.) of existing ideas. While they facilitate conversation spread they are not the ‘reasons’ for revolution but at best catalysts.

Quibbling aside about the role of these networks in deeper issues than advertising, much the same rules apply to this space. Social media provides the platform for feedback from those on the ground and allows us the opportunity to amplify niche events, promoting them to the wider world. As brands are in the business of stoking and owning the word of mouth around (often costly) brand funded events, it only makes sense to call on any tools we can to increase the coverage and referral around these. Despite this simple truth however, fairly few experiential/event companies seem to be ‘getting’ social and I think an opportunity is being missed.

One agency that definitely gets it is C&M and they have compiled a framework and series of checklists for making sure your event creates a #buzz around it.

Want to know the Future? I have it…HERE, NOW!

Want to know what the future looks like? Well you could watch a YouTube video about ‘yoof’ or check out this nice looking presentation on slideshare.

Ignore the wanky beginning…war Dubai etc…the meaty stuff kicks in later on.

Social Media and Outdoor Advertising – Posterscope/LocaMedia Hyperspace

Some interesting points here from the guys at Posterscope and the LocaMedia, under the Hyperspace banner, all about combining Social Media and outdoor. This is less truly new thinking but overall, a really good checklist of best practice and taking advantage of new possibilities. It’s most positive to see traditional media (albeit one heavily investing in digital and going through an exciting period of change) keeping pace with change with a new media framework as well as media planners’ and advertisers’ needs.

Pawned. Gamification and its discontents – interesting presentation

There’s a little something for everyone here in a clear and uncomplicated format.

Advertising works best when its simple…or at least it used to!

The idea of an iconic viral Levis ad is as old as the hills and their latest was released recently (see below). the ad was no doubt seeded as it should be by their agency it has gone straight into the viral charts. Its not a ground-breaking creative idea and seems a little low tempo for me but its bloody simple. The jeans were made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do right across one side of the Levis ‘American heartland’ to the other.

Levis has always had the opportunity to create a viral campaign because its such a great, iconic and sexy brand. It forms part of an elite of advertisers that could have nailed shit to the walls and we would have lapped it up and it would have become ‘cool’. However, it is now possible to bypass the coolness of a brand. Rather than an indication of brand credo, the popularity of ‘virals’ and the viral charts (as good an indication of good advertising as any, that’s another story) seem more than ever to be an indication of not only; the quality (share-ability/slick/funniness) of a TV ad but also the ability of a media agency to seed content (and hopefully spark a viral ‘effect’)

You used to be able to get away with achieving just the first, and the spots secured in semi-appropriate schedules would do the rest but the spread is now of paramount importance. It’s a measure of the rise of the importance of media (and media agencies!) and in particular social media that the second is what differentiates campaigns today.

Taking the Old Spice ads as an example (who hasn’t!) you can see that the creative was great and ‘did the job’ in the first advert but the campaign really came to life with the seeding boost that was achieved by ‘creating’ advocates through personalised creative. Doubters would point to the recent Nike ‘Write the future’ ad and say “that’s just great creative” but in reality aside from a large amount of viral seeding they also undertook a huge social push including the first ever global engagement ad roadblock on Facebook.

So it would seem that ‘pure’ advertising has become infiltrated somehow by those who create the hits, the ‘pushers’ if you like, starting the fire and then pouring petrol over everyone standing around it.

Like This!

5 great things about a social media World Cup (#worldcup)

As if the World Cup wasn’t cool enough there are now a wholehost of awesome social media tools, graphics and games to take the fun to a higher level!

Here are a few of my faves

1) The Vuvuzela feature on YouTube
Just when you thought you could give your eardrums a rest, away from the TV and watching your online vids, YouTube add in a feature to blast the living daylights out of any content. Sounding like the trackside of a F1 Grand Prix the football icon unlocks the thunder of the horn. I love it in short bursts but by the fifth or sixth time I had blasted it out of my speakers colleagues not so enamoured with the constant footie were losing patience.

Here’s your chance to use the Vuvu’s to runi the Official World Cup theme song (you have to watch in youtube proper for it to work and hit the football at the bottom).

2) The Twitter icons
Whenever you hashtag any tweet with either a nation or WorldCup you get a pretty logo. I like this.

And you can see how popular the World Cup has been on Twitter here

3) Livepitch
Anyone with an iPad must be thinking that it is the best accompanyment to any TV experience, acting as a perfect accompanyment to give you the stats as you watch. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t use this in public but if you like the idea of live stats as ammunition to criticising the manager then this is the device for you.

4) The Foursquare CNN Badges
Everyone on Foursquare wants badges and these are the most unattainable ones. For one you need to go to South Africa, for the others you need to watch the match at a CNN santioned venue (presumably US only!). BOO

5) The Guardian Twitter live games
Following up on their England Vs USA recreated in Lego the Guardian smash it iagain with the opportunity to re-live games through twitter feed. Nice simple, great execution, its what social media was made for!